Maine's Coastline

Ocean's Edge
16"x14" $275 framed

 Maine's coastline is as variable as the weather...rocky here, sandy there...smooth sailing one day, storm front moving in the next.  Hearty beach roses are among the flora and fauna that frame the sea, their beauty showing forth despite salty air and challenging conditions for growth.  I love sitting on the rocks watching the waves crash and the seagulls diving for dinner.  Sometimes a lobsterman cruises by, stopping to check his pots next to the colorful buoys.  Capturing the tides on canvas, the ebb and the flow, reminds me to remain flexible and moving, growing and loving every day.                                                                                   
Prout's Neck Tides and Roses
24"x20" $450 framed
Cranberry Skies
27"x17" $750 Framed


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